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Our Jewish Values



FRS Kindergarten lies at the heart of community life at Finchley Reform Synagogue, providing each child with the opportunity to develop a love and understanding of the values, rituals and practice connecting us all.

We involve our clergy team led by Rabbi Miriam Berger in the life of the kindergarten and encourage the children to share their Jewish practices from home, as well as talking about synagogue events in order to create a complete triangle of home, synagogue and Kindergarten in the children’s understanding of their Jewish lives.

The children learn about the customs of the Jewish faith in all its diversity through songs, role-play and adult-led activities and experiences. Alongside this is the opportunity to introduce learning around other religious practices and cultures, promoting respect and understanding and celebrating the strength of diversity.

We teach the children the beginning of the Shema (daily prayer) and enjoy a weekly kabbalat Shabbat experience in which the children actively participate, from baking the challah to taking turns being the Shabbat helper. Of course, each festival gives us the opportunity to bring the stories from the Torah to life and celebrate together in true FRS style.

Alongside this teaching and learning is the fostering of a relationship with the land of Israel and its rich culture through song, dance and celebrations. The modern Hebrew language, Ivrit, is introduced to our three- and four-year olds through small group interactive sessions led by our Hebrew teacher.

Our Reform Jewish values are in evidence throughout our curriculum:

Community – KEHILLAH

We teach the children about the value of cooperation, teamwork and togetherness, as well as celebrating differences and respecting others. We connect with the wider synagogue community and the local community 

Caring – CHESED

We have a strong ethos of caring for others within the FRS community.  We celebrate caring and kindness in the Kindergarten towards one another and encourage the children to develop an understanding of the importance of helping others through our weekly tzedakah collections, our involvement in the Mitzvah Week campaign and our regular visits to a local care home. 
The mental health and wellbeing of both children and adults at the setting is a high priority for us all.  We use the framework of the ‘five ways to wellbeing’ - Connect; Be active; Take notice; Learn; Give – to ensure that these important messages are included in the culture of the setting and in curriculum planning.

Respect – KAVOD

We support the children to develop a respect for themselves and for their classmates, teachers and families. We develop positive relationships and value each child’s uniqueness through following the interests and giving them time and space to find their voice. We teach the children to respect difference and diversity, learning about and celebrating other key religious and cultural festivals.

Wed, 26 March 2025 26 Adar 5785