Řičany Stolpersteine Ceremony 21 May 2024
Every year the town of Říčany runs an education programme to commemorate the Říčany Jews who were deported by the Nazis and died in the Holocaust. The programme culminates in a ceremony in May during which Stolpersteine are laid outside the houses where the Jews had lived.
When the Town Council leant that FRS had a scroll from Říčany, they invited a representative of FRS to attend the ceremony. Robert Stone went to the ceremony on 21 May 2024, where he brought greetings from FRS, and said Kaddish at the end of the ceremony. This is a video of the ceremony made by the Town Council.
Ceremony Details:
Opening address by the Mayor of Řičany, David Michalička
Speech by Robert Stone about the Řičany scroll
Performance of Hebrew and Yiddish songs by the children’s choir
Reading by young people of the names of the three people in whose memory the stolpersteine are set, and laying of single roses on the site
Kaddish said by Robert Stone
Fixing the stolpersteine