Purim 5785
Purim is almost upon us, and we have plenty going on for all ages at FRS!
Find out more about our Purim Carnival on Sunday 9 March, our Erev Purim event on Thursday 13 March and more below:
Purim Carnival!
Sunday 9 March, 10:30am-12pm
It is time for our annual Purim Carnival!
There will be plenty of fun for all the family including our Purim Spiel. This year watch us take on the hit musical of the moment... Wicked!
You can expect all your traditional Purim fun for all the family from 10.30am, including hamantaschen-baking, potion-making, finger puppets, games/dance and magic, alongside much more. Then join us in the Ohel at 11.30am for our Purim spiel - and don't forget to come in costume!
We will also be welcoming items for our food bank, to fulfill the mitzvah of matanot le'evyonim (giving to the needy) this Purim.
There is no charge for FRS members for this event, but everyone needs to book so we know how many to expect.
Please click here to do so.
Erev Purim
Thursday 13 March, from 6:30pm, Spiel from 7.30pm
Celebrate Purim in our upside-down time by choosing from two pathways through the evening:
After two tefillah options (a topsy-turvy rhyming Ma'ariv or a more contemplative service), we'll come together for a pizza dinner and drinks; then choose between a very Wicked Purim Spiel or a little Purim Talmud learning.
Booking is essential for this event - you can do so here.
Purim Megillah Reading
Friday 14 March, 11:30am
Join Rabbi Howard Cooper on the morning of Purim for a traditional megillah reading and plenty of conversation at FRS.
No booking required!
Kuddle-Up Purim
Friday 14 March, 4.15pm
Join Teyve the Torahsaurus and the FRS clergy for all your favourite Purim songs and stories in one fantastic pre-school service. Don't forget to wear your best fancy dress!
No booking required.