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New Connexions

Have you sometimes considered going to an exhibition, play or other event and couldn’t arrange a friend to go with you?  Many of us have friends and family who live at a distance or are working or occupied with children or grandchildren and aren’t around to enjoy doing these things together?

Here at FRS we have a caring and connected community of people who enjoy each other’s company. Many of us live alone and would welcome the company of others.  That is why we have created an exciting initiative: New Connexions.

New Connexions is exactly what it says – an opportunity for you to meet other members of our community and arrange to do  enjoyable activities together.  The idea is that this will be a self-running system, which we envisage will work like this:

• You enter your name, address, contact details and preferred activities in the form below.
• If another member shares the same interest, we will put you in touch with each other and together you will arrange to meet and enjoy sharing the experience.

That is it!  Simple, as long as you take the plunge and put in your wish to meet up with one or more people to enjoy each other’s company doing something together.  

While I will monitor the scheme, the goal is for it to be a self-sustaining system of people making contact with other members independently.   You may decide to get together initially at the synagogue, if it’s someone you haven’t already met, and decide what, when and where to go together.   

Here are just a few possibilities:

• It may be sports – looking for a tennis or swimming partner
• It might be games – rummikub, scrabble, jigsaw puzzles
• It may be theatre or concerts – local, central London or elsewhere
• It may be museum visits – special exhibitions or a museum you’ve always wanted to visit but haven’t got round to doing yet
• It may be cooking together, experimenting with new recipes
• It may be organising a meeting at one of your homes, just for a chat or to discuss a topic of interest to you

If this appeals to you and you are already champing at the bit to connect with another FRS member, fill in the form below:

Feel free to contact me via the FRS office ( if you would like to help make this project a success.

Janet Berenson

Wed, 26 March 2025 26 Adar 5785