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How to Navigate Massuot For Year 8 (2024/5)

You are at the pinnacle of your Massuot journey, and will be celebrating your B’nei Mitzvah this year.
Our structure for Nitzotzot is changing for the rest of your programme – you will collect Nitzotzot only for the Shabbat services that you come to, and use a Massuot passport to collect your nitzotzot.

You will all be in Friday Group by now, and really looking forward to your own B’nei Mitzvah, so the crucial things for you to keep coming to this year are:

 Make sure you’re on track with your Mitzvah Project – if there’s any additional support we can offer to help you come up with a final idea and know how to carry it out, do get in touch with us (

 Continue coming to Shabbat services! Whether your B’nei Mitzvah is in September or July, the most important thing you can do to make sure you have the best experience possible on your big day is to attend services. Attending Friday Group and practicing regularly are vital, but attending services ensures that you are familiar and comfortable with the service, and that the community will come to know you and your family and want to celebrate with you. This is how we build the famous FRS warm atmosphere in the room, when it's your turn to be called up to the Bimah.

Introducing - brand new Year 8 outings!

We are excited to launch our new Massuot programme for Year 8! Instead of coming to FRS for intergenerational learning, Year 8s will join us for trips and outings, roughly half-termly throughout the year. These trips will be a chance for the Year 8s to get together socially, with a healthy dose of Jewish learning too! These trips will be similar to those you might have experienced in Year 6, however these are just for Year 8s and are a brand new set of outings. We hope that your child will be come to all of the outings, even the ones that happen after their own B’nei Mitzvah! We will send you the schedule for these trips shortly.

After your B’nei Mitzvah

Once you have celebrated your own B’nei Mitzvah, you might be wondering what’s next! We encourage all Year 8s to come to the trips and outings throughout the year, regardless of whether you have had your B’nei Mitzvah yet or not. Additionally, once you have finished at Friday Group as a pupil, you will be invited to Helper Training where you can learn all you’ll need to take on a pupil of your own.

There will be a celebration towards the end of the year of all the Mitzvah Projects, with a Chavurah dinner afterwards. We use this opportunity to celebrate everything that everyone has achieved throughout Massuot.

In Year 9, you’ll also be invited to Hadracha training, where you’ll get to learn how to be one of our famously beloved madrichimot, helping out on Schemes, Kochavim, and other youth activities!

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Fri, 18 October 2024 16 Tishrei 5785