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Welcome to the High Holy Day area of our website. We are delighted to be back inside at StoneX Stadium for Rosh Hashanah, and to be welcoming you all to Haberdashers' Boys' School for Yom Kippur. We can't wait to pray and to celebrate with you.

Do I need a ticket to come to High Holy Days services at FRS?

Yes, everyone needs a ticket for High Holy Days 5785 at FRS. These will be in the form of named lanyard inserts, and entry will be dependent on having this. These will be sent to all members along with your Tree of Life Magazine in September, so keep your eyes peeled!

Do I need to book?

Members only need to book for specific services:
* Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur Day at FRS
(Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur services at Haberdashers' Boys' School do not require booking).
* Yom Kippur B'Yachad service at FRS 
Yom Kippur B'Yachad will be taking place at FRS. Booking is needed if you wish to attend this service as we have a limited amount of capacity.
* Yom Kippur Rhythm 'n' Jews 
Rhythm 'n' Jews will take place at Habs across two sittings, which will be allocated based on age group.
You can select a preference here or by clicking the member booking button below. If you have no preference, there is no need to book - we will allocate you to a service based on the age of your children.

Non-member booking is now OPEN - click here to join us.

See below for all the information you need.

Coming soon

Wed, 11 September 2024 8 Elul 5784