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The FRS High Holy Day Appeal 5784

One of FRS' core values is that we look outwards, not inwards.  We focus on social action, and see our place in the world as an obligation to help others. 

We are raising money for four projects:
New Citizens Gateway (via 8th Rung)
Kisharon Langdon (via 8th Rung)
The Together Plan
FRS Tzedekah fund 

There are two ways to donate:

1. By direct bank transfer to our Appeal bank account
    Sort Code: 60-15-20
    Account No: 65066944
    Reference: Surname then your First Name (so that we can readily identify the donor)

2. Through Paypal (click here or scroll to the form at the end of the page)

What is 8th Rung?

FRS' 8th Rung Group was set up to address our charitable giving in a different way. We have found that building a longer term relationship with a charity enables them to do something different with the money that we can raise for them -  building a better future for people, not just helping them in the here and now. We have decided to continue this model – and the 8th Rung group has identified two charities with whom we will work in partnership on a 3 year basis going forward:

The Charities we will support in 5784:

1. New Citizens Gateway (NCG)

NCG works with refugees and asylum seekers. It helps over 2000 people a year in Barnet, with integration into British life, as well as supporting their physical, social and mental well being. NCG offers wide a range of services including advice, counselling, English classes, and a women’s group. Funds that are raised through the HHD Appeal for NCG will be used to support a much-needed Advisor who will sign-post clients to different services available to them and will also act as a case worker. 

2. Kisharon Langdon

This is a charity that provides education and support for over 450 people within the Jewish learning disability and autism community.

Depending on how much we can raise – we might contribute towards an assistant social worker to help with the admissions process for prospective new members, helping them and their families to navigate the often overwhelming challenge of accessing care. Or it may pay for a 1 to 1 support staff member at the Langdon Brady youth club where children and young people with learning disabilities and autism can meet each other in a safe space allowing them to learn and have fun in a welcoming and inclusive environment. 

As well as these brilliant organisations that we will support through the 8th Rung programme, we also continue to raise funds for two further projects.

3. The Together Plan

The Together Plan came about from a twinning of FRS and the Polotsk Jewish community in Belarus. The Together Plan is part of the European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage, and its mission is to foster the rebuilding of Jewish Community life in Belarus. Belarus at one point had a Jewish Community of over a million people. It is now about 25 thousand. The Together Plan has helped the community there to open Jewish Heritage Clubs in Polotsk and in Minsk, and to set up local heritage trails. This year the Together plan also launched Making History Together - a virtual six month educational programme and interactive travelling exhibition which takes young learners through a journey to discover the story of the Jews of Belarus between 1941 and 1944.
We want to continue our long and deep association with the Together Plan, and so a proportion of the funds raised will go to them.  

4. The FRS Tzedakeh Fund

We also want to be in a position to respond to other global and national appeals through our FRS Tzedakah fund, through which we give out smaller donations to some of the charities that apply to FRS throughout the year. In the past we have donated to projects such as Operation Wheelchairs, Noah’s Ark Hospice and the Trussell Trust.


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Sat, 29 March 2025 29 Adar 5785