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Elul Programming

Thursday 19 September at 10am and 7.30pm (same session, two different time options)
Hearing our Voices at the New Year
Following the Chasidic birthday custom of studying the Psalm corresponding to your age, in this session the birthday of the world – Rosh Hashanah – is our prompt to investigate Psalm 65 (as FRS approaches its 65th year).  We will reflect on how our voices are heard in prayer and song, how literally we take the words of our prayers, and what other words we might personally wish to be heard during the High Holy Days. 
With Rabbi Eleanor Davis.

Thursday 26 September at 10am and 7.30pm (same session, two different time options)
The Year in our Hands
In this session, using midrash about the official starting of new months and new years, we will explore the calendar as both a gift and a responsibility that we are given.  Together we will consider what it means to take charge of our own time and reflect on how we might each use this responsibility to shape our year ahead. 
With Rabbi Eleanor Davis.

Saturday 28 September from 8pm
Selichot: the overture to the High Holy Days
8-9pm Returning to Ourselves: After a tumultuous year, where do we find ourselves – and how do we find our selves – as we approach a New Year?
Facilitated by Rabbi Howard Cooper.
and 8-9pm choir rehearsal
With Cantor Zoe Jacobs, Sam Evans and Leo Nicholson.
9pm-9.30 refreshments
9.30pm Selichot service
With Cantor Zoe Jacobs, Rabbi Robyn Ashworth-Steen and Rabbi Eleanor Davis.

Other opportunities at FRS during Elul

Thursdays 5, 12, 19 and 26 September at 6pm 
A Taste of Talmud with Rabbi Eleanor

Join Rabbi Eleanor Davis for a taste of studying Talmud. Hebrew reading ability is not required (though it helps) - we’ll translate as we go.
Perfect for parents of primary school and Massuot-aged children but everyone is welcome. 
You can attend as many or as few sessions as you wish.
Thursdays during September - starting 05 September.
No booking required

Tuesdays at 9:30am, starting 10 September 
Yoga at FRS with Sunnah Rose
FREE TASTER CLASS on Tuesday 10 September
A combination of Hatha & gentle Vinyasa Yoga to release the spine, tone & mobilise the body & help generate a healthier & clearer mind.
Classes suitable for everybody and every body including complete beginners.
Cost: FRS members - £100 for 8 weeks starting 17 September /£15 Drop In
*Please use discount code FRSMEM when booking in*
Booking directly with Sunnah: or 07941321772 or visit for the booking system.

Wednesdays at 11-11:45am, starting 11 September 
Tap Tap Tappity Tap!

Put on some hard bottomed shoes and bring your ‘best rhythm’ to FRS on Wednesday mornings,
- for a beginner/intermediate intro to tap dance with Annette Commissar!!
A chance to try something new OR polish up your ‘shuffle ball changes’!
NO EXCUSES - you can do it sat down, holding onto a chair or free standing.
Donation - £5 in cash to FRS per session

Thursday 12 September at 7.30pm
Book Signing with Dr Jenny Goodman

Author and FRS member Dr Jenny Goodman will be signing copies of her new book, Getting Healthy in Toxic Times, and answering your questions about the health of our bodies and the planet and how they are connected. 
'Having spent decades helping patients recover from long-standing health issues caused by toxins, Dr Jenny shows that if we understand their impact on our health – as seen in the worrying rise in diagnoses of asthma and allergies, infertility, obesity, heart disease, and behavioural and neuro- logical disorders as well as cancer – then we can take positive steps to avoid as many toxins as possible in our day-to-day lives.'
For more information or to book, please contact Jenny.

Sunday 15 September at 3-6pm 
Music in the Atrium 

FRS, Horse to Water and friends invite you to an afternoon of music in the FRS Atrium, with drinks from Betty's bike!
Join us for lots of musicians and singers, performing a range of styles and genres.
+ plenty of coffee, cake and conversation.
No booking required.

Saturday 28 September 12.45pm
Lunch & Learn (in the Mishkan) 

Would you welcome sharing a chavurah lunch and informal study with friends on a Shabbat afternoon?
Join our Shabbat Lunch and Learn gatherings with Janet Berenson!
Bring a vegetarian main or dessert to share (no nuts) and your inquiring open mind. 
Click here to register now.

Thu, 13 March 2025 13 Adar 5785