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FRS Chanukah 2023

Everything you need to know about Chanukah 2023/5784 at FRS!

Places at the home candle lightings, 'Songs for light and hope Havdallah' and Chanukah 'Funukah' are limited so please pre book (at no cost) below.

What's on:

Thursday 07/12 - Night 1: Home Candle Lighting @ the Reinhardt's 
- 6pm
- in Woodside Park
- please sign up here if you wish to attend

Friday 08/12 - Night 2: Kuddle up Chanukah @ FRS
                           Kabbalat Shabbat service @ FRS and online
(see below for zoom details)

Saturday 09/12 - Night 3: Songs for Light and Hope Havdallah @ FRS (click here for further details)
- 4-5:30pm
- at FRS and online (see below for zoom details)
- Please sign up here if you wish to attend

Sunday 10/12 - Night 4: Chanukah 'Funukah' @ FRS!
- 2:30-4pm
- Come and enjoy a glass of mulled wine and doughnuts whilst children will be entertained by Mr Marvel and lots of traditional          Chanukah activities. You're never too old to join in with a game of dreidel!
- Click here for further details
- Please sign up here if you wish to attend

Monday 11/12 - Night 5: Judith Field's book launch @ FRS
- 7pm
-Join us for candle lighting and the launch of Judith Field's novel, "The Sound of Gematria", with books to buy all in aid of Magen David Adom

Tuesday 12/12 - Night 6: Home Candle Lighting @ the Morris Evans' 
- 7pm
- in Holloway
- please sign up here if you wish to attend

Wednesday 13/12 - Night 7: B'Yachad Candle Lighting in Edgware at 6:30pm
                                    'Finding Light in the Darkness' with Rabbi Howard Cooper @ FRS
                                     - 7:30-8:30pm
                                     - As the days of Chanukah continue and we add an extra light each day, an opportunity to take stock and                                                        reflect on the symbolism of light as we seek to discover what sources of illumination we have in our lives        

Thursday 14/12 - Night 8: Home Candle Lighting @ Anouska and Josh Plaut's
                                  - 7pm
                                  - in Potters Bar
                                  - please sign up here if you wish to attend
                                Online Candle Lighting with Rabbi Miriam Berger at 8:30pm 
(see below for zoom details)

If you wish to attend any of the home candle lightings, 'Songs for light and hope Havdallahor our 'Chanukah Funukah' event, please pre-book (at no cost) here!

If you would like to join us for any of the events also being streamed online you can do so here: Meeting ID: 6861340661 Password: siddur 

Sun, 8 September 2024 5 Elul 5784