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Eighth Rung

What is Eighth Rung?

Eighth Rung is an FRS initiative that aims to provide funding for long-termsustainable support strategies.

We take our name from Maimonides, who said the highest level of tzedakah is helping a person become self-sufficient


Our long-term goal?

For those we support to live the lives they choose in whatever way they choose whether they are refugees and asylum seekers new to this country or people living with autism and learning disabilities.

Our 2023 - 2025 Project:

🎥Watch our short video for our 2023 – 2025 project supporting New Citizens’ Gateway and Kisharon Langdon.   

Our hope is that FRS members will link the project with our amazing community, which has been in the forefront of supporting people with a wide range of needs, both within and beyond FRS.

Our previous three-year project raised a total of £110,000 through our High Holy Day Appeals in 2020, 2021 and 2022. This fundaing enabled HAB to employ a support worker who helps clients attain and sustain accommodation.  A massive thank you to everybody who has given so generously in the past.

Once again, in 2023, we are asking you to dig deep to fund the new three-year project to which we have committed. Why three years?  It is a sufficient timeframe to make a meaningful impact, providing stability and predictability for the charity.  It allows us to get involved with projects that focus on lasting outcomes.

To donate to Eighth Rung, click here.

Where does the money go?

Money raised by Eighth Rung will be divided between our two partners, Kisharon Langdon and New Citizens’ Gateway.

Each organisation has asked us to help with a wide range of services that they provide.

Funds for Kisharon Langdon will help to enable the employment of support workers for their many activities for young people and adults with learning disabilities and autism. 

• Kisharon Langdon manages supported living homes, each personalised to suit the needs of the members, in both London and Manchester
• They support over 450 people within the Jewish community with learning disabilities and autism
• They offer 24-hour support for members according to their individual needs.
• They offer educational opportunities through London College for almost 50 students. 
• The London Brady youth clubs provide an environment in which children and young people who struggle with social communication can develop the appropriate skills to form positive social relationships.
• Specialist employment counsellors offer support to enable members to find appropriate employment opportunities.

Funds for New Citizens’ Gateway will support their wide range of ongoing projects to improve the quality of life and promote the physical, social and mental well-being of refugees and asylum seekers.

• New Citizens’ Gateway supports over 2 000 refugees and asylum seekers each year.
• They work in Barnet and surrounding areas to help reduce health inequalities, social exclusion and poverty, thus enabling integration.
• This will include support for an advisor at NCG, who will sign-post clients to available services and act as a case worker.

NCG offer wide a range of services including:
• Advice and Information 
• Counselling and Emotional Support 
• English classes
• A Women’s Group 
• A Gardening Project on an allotment site

NCG uses the FRS building and facilities for some of its key events through the year.  We recently held NCG's end of year party at FRS in Dec 2024 for refugees from Afghanistan, Iran, Sudan, Kurdistan, Georgian, and Latin America:

"Great place, great event, great food. On the same day last year  I left my homeland—a day I will never forget, especially my mother's tears. But for a few hours while I was there, and danced,  I stopped thinking and felt at ease.”

How much do we need?

We are committing to both charities for a three-year period, so we need to raise as much as we can to support their work.  Your generous donations will be divided between the two organisations.

To achieve that, we ask you to give generously at this year’s High Holy Day Appeal. 

Though the amount raised over the past three years was significant, it came from only around 220 family units – a quarter of the FRS membership.  We hope you all will be moved to be even more generous this year.

Offering your time and skills

In addition to financial support, we hope that FRS members will be inspired to volunteer in either of these organisations.  You can see from their websites the wide range of services and activities that they both offer their members.  You may be just the right person to help run weekly classes or activities, organize outings or help at Friday night dinners for Kisharon Langdon or to volunteer at the foodbank or help with children’s or women’s activities for New Citizens’ Gateway.

Want to know more?

We would like the idea of supporting some of Barnet’s vulnerable people to become second nature to all FRS members. That is why we will again be working with many different sectors of the community - including our children and young people – to spread the word. 

We are truly grateful to the Rabbinic Team, our Chair and Council for supporting us every step of the way. 

Eighth Rung would love to have you join our planning and action group. For more information, contact Carol Balfe on 07721 761 550.

Wed, 26 March 2025 26 Adar 5785