Community Seder 5785
Sunday, 13 April, 2025 • 15 Nisan 5785
6:30 PM - 9:30 PMFinchley Reform SynagogueJoin us at FRS for a musical, conversational Community Seder, to mark the 2nd night of Pesach together.
We are so excited to announce our 5785 Community Seder, which once again will be catered by the fantastic NU NOSH! It is open to all generations, both members and non-members, so we would love to see you all there.
Kiddush wine will be provided but if you wish to have wine with your dinner please bring your own.
There will also be the opportunity to join us on zoom!
Please note we are currently offering an earlybird price - this will be available until Wednesday 26 March.
At FRS, it is important that our community events are accessible to everyone. Due to the ongoing current financial climate, our costs have continued to increase and we are striving not to pass these on to our members. Therefore, this year's Seder price has once again been subsidised. We would be extremely grateful if you are able to add a donation to allow us continue to subsidise the costs of our events. There is an option to do so below.
More information about our full Pesach 5785 programme is available here!
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